292 ELECTRICAL APPARATUS This differential equation is integrated by: 5 = Aeco, which, substituted in (12) gives: aAeCe + AC*tCe = 0, 168. 1. If a <0, it is: where : « + <72 = 0, __ C ± V~- a. (13) (14) m / — = V- a= Since in this case, e+m° is continually increasing, the syn- chronous motor is unstable. That is, without oscillation, the synchronous motor drops out of step, if /3 > a. 2. If a > 0, it is, denoting: or, substituting for e+jri6 and t+jnQ the trigonometric functions: 5 = (Ax + A 2) cos nB + j (Ai - A2) sin n^, or, = B cos + r)- That is, the synchronous motor is in stable equilibrium, when oscillating with a constant amplitude B, depending upon the initial conditions of oscillation, and a period, which for small oscillations gives the frequency of oscillation: f _ „/ ~ /0 - nj - As instance, let : 6Q = 2200 volts. Z = 1 +- 4 j ohms, or, » = 4.12; a = 76°. And let the machine, a 16-polar, 60-cycle, 400-kw., revolving- field, synchronous motor, have the radius of gyration of 20 in., a weight of the revolving part of 6000 Ib. The momentum then is Jkf0 = 850,000 joules. • Deriving the angles, /3, corresponding to given values of output, P, and excitation, e, from the polar diagram, or from the symbolic